Friday, July 29, 2011

All About Lily Chou-Chou OST

This is the end credits (don't worry. No spoilers in it.) for All About Lily Chou-Chou, a film about a lonely teenage boy who escapes into the internet to connect with other people who are fans of the singer Lily Chou-Chou just like him. The soundtrack itself is made up of music from the fictional singer, and it's all really well produced. It sucks that Salyu, the artist who sings as this character, makes music that is nothing similar to it at all.

Anyway, both the film and soundtrack are poignant, dark, beautiful, and definitely recommended.
Password is: ilovebeinganasshole
because someone stole my link.

download: MF


ฮึบ said...

I love Lily chou chou.

The music that is more than music.

pkatomsk said...

Lily sees something no one else can see. If that’s ether, we must listen to her.